Hannah Bleck's profile

SeeMe Scotland Project: Edinburgh College

SeeMe scotland is a charity that helps to support and erase the stigma around mental health. Our challenge was to get young people involved and informed about mental health, so they either understand they are not alone or how to support some one who may need support.
Poster: using fresh colour scheme to appeal to the teen target market and music bars to take away the usual clinical look that puts people off initially.
The #hearme app is aimed to help young people get their voices out there and to be heard so they don't need to bottle up their feelings alone, and also allows to create a movement that will get people discussing mental health more openly to eliminate any stigmas.
The main product of this project was the app, this was to provide podcasts of information or help sessions that people could message into if they wanted. Also act like a radio station that could help young people get through tough times in life such as during exam time. There would also be a section for who to contact if they needed any advice or further information.
SeeMe Scotland Project: Edinburgh College

SeeMe Scotland Project: Edinburgh College

A college project aimed at fighting the stigma around mental health.
